Comparison The Price Of A Unit Of Work Pavement Of A Freeway Construction Concrete With The Payment System Contractor Full Pre Financing And Monthly Certificate

Abstract : this study purpose to know the number of repayment for the work of pavement freeway concrete construction with the monthly, certificate the payment of a price unit work pavement freeway concrete construction with the contractor full pre financing. and compare it Research is divided into three 3 (three), stage the first phase is introduction consisting of the literature study and preliminary survey. The second phase is the gathering primary and secondary data. As for primary data gathered is interviews with the contractor, consultants and the owner, project while secondary data collected is a picture, construction the list price of a unit, work price analysis unit and the volume of work to ply. concrete pavement The third stage is. data analysis and conclusions Research findings are the price of work on the construction of a highway cisumdawu, phase iii certifica monthly payment system.

Keywords: Price Comparison, Monthly Certificate and Full Pre Financing Contractor, Unit Price Concrete Pavement